Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, neurological conditions. Our juried research grant program is propelling innovation and relationships forward to address these diseases and to advance efforts that may impact all of science and medicine.
In 10 years, our partnership has funded 62 collaborative projects, and the number of applications continues to grow. In our first year, we awarded two grants of $25,000 to teams of scientists that had at least one partner in Israel and one at U-M. In our latest round of funding, we were able to distribute $1 million — grants of $100,000 each to 10 collaborative teams.
The program’s growth and success is evidence of the belief that many have in the partnership — and the enthusiasm that our faculty members share for working with one another. Each application goes through a rigorous, scored, multi-level peer review process to ensure we are supporting the very best science for the most significant results. Some projects have gone on to earn additional funding from the National Institutes of Health, the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, and other sponsors of biomedical research. See examples of our teams’ impact here or by using the interactive chart below.
We are enabling accomplished leaders in their fields as well as early-career innovators to learn, explore, and reach across disciplines and continents to ask how a new perspective or approach can advance their work. Each of the dozens of applications we receive each year stems from an outstretched hand, a conversation after a presentation at a symposium, or an expanded circle of expertise as a project grows and research thrives.
The demand to do more — to offer an increased number of grants at increased levels of funding — is significant. And it is matched by great potential to accelerate progress in medicine and engineering for the benefit of people in Israel, the United States, and the world.
Today, we seek expendable and endowed support to both redouble what we are able to achieve now and to secure the future of the program. For the dedicated physicians, scientists and engineers building relationships today, and to all those who will build them tomorrow, it is imperative that we ensure this robust, free scientific exchange can continue to thrive and benefit humanity.
Increasing Our Impact Through Collaborative Research
- Jerome Kalifa (U-M), Marcelle Machluf (IIT)
- Omer Berenfeld (U-M), Ami Aronheim (IIT)
- Alan Saltiel (U-M), Izhak Kehat (IIT)
- Anna Schwendeman (U-M), Dan Tawfik (WIS)
- Carey LU-Meng (U-M), S. Jung (WIS)
- Daniel Klionsky (U-M), Simone Engelender (IIT)
- Daniel Michele (U-M), Ofer Binah (IIT)
- David Sherman (U-M), Ada Yonath (WIS)
- José Jalife (U-M), Yael Yaniv (IIT)
- Joseph Holoshitz (U-M), Nathan Karin (IIT)
- Kristen Verhey (U-M), Orly Reiner (WIS)
- Russell Taichman (U-M), Tsvee Lapidot (WIS), Orit Kollet (WIS)
- Santhi Ganesh (U-M), Peleg Hasson (IIT)
- Daniel Klionsky (U-M), Jeffrey Gerst (QIS)
- Joerg Lahann (U-M), Shulamit Levenberg (IIT)
- Lois Weisman (U-M) Maya Schuldiner (WIS)
- Magdalene Ivanova (U-M), Henry Paulson (U-M), Meytal Landau (IIT)
- Scott Barolo (U-M), Adi Salzberg (IIT), Talila Volk (WIS)
- Sharlene Day (U-M), Michael Glickman (IIT)
- Albert Shih (U-M), Dan Adam (IIT)
- Ariella Shikanov (U-M), Jacob H. Hanna (WIS)
- Daniel Lucas-Alcaraz (U-M), Atan Gross (WIS)
- Daniel Michele (U-M), Ofer Binah (IIT)
- David Ginsburg (U-M), Netanel Korin (IIT)
- David H. Sherman (U-M), Ada Yonath (WIS)
- Deneen M. Wellik (U-M), Elazar Zelzer (WIS)
- Jochen Schacht (U-M), Timor Baasov (IIT)
- Philip Hanna (U-M), Oded Lewinson (IIT)
- Y. Eugene Chen (U-M), Michael Aviram (IIT)
- Alan Boyle (U-M), Yael Mandel-Gutfreund (IIT)
- Benjamin Allen (U-M), Thomas Schulthiess (IIT)
- Cynthia Chestek (U-M), Miriam Zacksenhouse (IIT)
- David Markovitz (U-M), Orly Reiner (WIS)
- Jacob Mueller (U-M), Igor Ulitsky (WIS)
- Keith Kaye (U-M), Paul Michal (IIT)
- Lola Eniola-Adefeso (U-M), Josu Sznitman (IIT)
- Matthew Chapman (U-M), Meytal Landau (IIT)
- Nicholas Kotov (U-M), Ilana Kolodkin-Gal (WIS)
- Omer Berenfeld (U-M), Izhak Jehat (IIT)
- Robert Kennedy (U-M), Herman Wolosker (IIT)
- RU-Ma Banerjee (U-M), Moran Benhar (IIT)
- Santhi Ganesh (U-M), Peleg Hasson (IIT)
- Santiago Schnell (U-M), Yonatan Savir (IIT)
- Wei Lu (U-M), Moshe Shoham (IIT)
- Y. Eugene Chen (U-M), Ami Aronheim (IIT)
- David Sherman (U-M), Ada Yonath (WIS)
- Donna Martin (U-M), Jacob Hanna (WIS)
- Henry Paulson (U-M), Sami Barmada (U-M), Aaron Ciechanover (IIT)
- Santhi Ganesh (U-M), Peleg Hasson (IIT)
- Y. Eugene Chen (U-M), Tony Hayek (IIT)
- Alexey Nesvizhskii (U-M), Dan Robinson (U-M), Yifat Merbl (WIS)
- Anthony Antonellis (U-M), Yoav Arava (IIT)
- Daniel Klionsky (U-M), Zvulun Elazar (WIS)
- Gabriel Corfas (U-M), Elior Peles (WIS)
- Joerg Lahann (U-M), Shulamit Levenberg (IIT)
- Karl Krushelnick (U-M), Victor Malka (WIS)
- Michael Holinstat (U-M), Netanel Korin (IIT)
- Patricia Wittkopp (U-M), Naama Barkai (WIS)
- Robert Kennedy (U-M), Herman Wolosker (IIT)
- Y. Eugene Chen (U-M), Eyal Gottlieb (IIT)
- Marilia Cascalho (U-M), Yotam Bar-On (IIT)
- Robert Kennedy (U-M), Herman Wolosker (IIT)
- Daniel Michele (U-M), Eyal Gottlieb (IIT)
- Adam Helms (U-M), Izhak Kehat (IIT)
- Jacob Mueller (U-M), Yosef Maruvka (IIT)
- Nicole Seiberlich (U-M), Yonina Eldar (WIS)
- Megan Killian (U-M), Elazar Zelzer (WIS)
- Stephanie Bielas (U-M), Orly Reiner (WIS)
- Max Shtein (U-M), Ulyana Shimanovich (WIS)
- David Sherman (U-M), Ada Yonath (WIS)
- Stephanie Moon (U-M), Jeffrey Gerst (WIS)